A Beautiful Ride To Carlisle Mac OS

Outdoor events are beginning to open again in the yellow counties in Pennsylvania, with Gov. Tom Wolf allowing for several new businesses and activities to resume.

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The beautiful thing about GoGuardian's conferencing and presentation modes is that suddenly that computer screen, inches from a child's face, becomes the smart board for delivering instruction, videos and other apps. I still have a G4 (Mac OS 9.22) and G5 (OS 10.4.11). The G5 I can use pretty well for browsing with the airport and even Photoshop is very usable on it.

The Spring Carlisle collector car show and flea market is one of them. And chief among the concerns of the organizers is how to balance reopening with maintaining the safety of their staff, vendors and guests in conditions that they’ve never seen before.

“Our company has been in existence since 1974, and this is the first time we’ve ever had to do something like this,” said Mike Garland, public relations manager for Carlisle Events. “So there was no blueprint. There was no plan, if you will, for how to act and react when something like this happens. But I think as a company we’ve made the best of it, and we’ve tried to do our part with working with those local businesses and community types that have involvement with the car show, as a way to get going in the right direction. And make sure that when things do finally open back up, we’re where we need to be.”

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The event was originally scheduled for late April, then postponed to May before being postponed again to June 17-20. These backup dates are coming soon after June 12, when Cumberland County may be restored to green status under the governor’s reopening plan, which will luckily allow for more open operations.

“At the time when we had identified June 17-20 [as our backup dates], we had no idea what red, yellow and green would look like,” Garland said. “We’re certainly fortunate that we selected a time that fell after the green time frame.”

However, the green status is not a license to return to business as usual. Gatherings of more than 250 people are not allowed under the green restrictions, and indoor businesses and venues must still operate at only 50 percent of their capacity.

Hundreds of guests typically attend the Carlisle Events shows, but Garland said that their venue is spread over “82 plus acres, 16 miles of paved roads, so there’s plenty of opportunity for social distancing.”

“There’s plenty of opportunity for our guests to be respectful of one another and, essentially, avoid each other,” Garland said. “We are focused on making sure that numbers like that are not congregating in one particular area. The one benefit to a venue and an event like ours is that people are always moving. People are not stopping and standing in one place for a very long time. Whether they’re visiting a vendor, they’re looking at the parts, they’re buying the parts and they’re moving on.”

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Those events that would require large groups to congregate for long periods, Garland said, are being canceled for this year. That includes canceling the burnout contest, the vendor dinner and the celebrity luncheon events.

A page of the Carlisle Events website is devoted to the new precautions they’ve put in place, including touchless admission, requiring masks for visitors and vendors, one-way traffic enforced in indoor areas, distance restrictions on food court tables and either limiting or eliminating the use of grandstands.

“We thought long and hard – these measures certainly didn’t come overnight,' Garland said, noting that Carlisle Events discussed the plan with local health officials and government leaders (though the organization declined to answer who specifically was consulted) as well as operating by the CDC and WHO guidelines. 'What can we do to help our guests feel as comfortable as they’ve always felt, but help take that risk out of the equation?”

Carlisle Events is in early talks for digital partnerships, including with Awesome Joe Auctions, to restore some version of the auctions canceled already this year due to the coronavirus. But Garland said that “for us, nothing can replace that in-person experience.”

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“People that are within that car show community, they want to see the cars up close,” he said. “They want to buy their parts from that person, direct. There are just some things we do at Carlisle Events that you can’t do, or shouldn’t, through an online event.”

That said, Garland said that he’s seen a “mixed bag of reactions” about their plans to reopen: some are itching to get back to enjoying these kinds of events, while others don’t yet feel comfortable. He estimated that attendance numbers may be down from the usual number of visitors, but depending on the weather, still likely more than they’ve seen during weekends with heavy rain.

“For us a company, we can’t argue with them on that,” he said, regarding those that don’t feel comfortable to attend yet. “But regardless ... if you come to Spring Carlisle, know that we as a company are doing our best to make sure that you are safe and those around you are safe.”


Garland also said that there’s “an aspect of personal responsibility and respect that plays into making this an enjoyable experience for everyone,” and he hoped that all attendees would keep that in mind.

If You Go:

Spring Carlisle

A Beautiful Ride To Carlisle Mac Os 8

7 a.m.-6 p.m. June 17-20 at 1000 Bryn Mawr Road, Carlisle. Cost: $12 for day pass, $35 for event pass; $7.75 per day and $26.25 for event pass in advance. Free for ages 12 and under. Info: www.carlisleevents.com/events


A beautiful ride to carlisle mac os 7

©2020 The Patriot-News (Harrisburg, Pa.)

Visit The Patriot-News (Harrisburg, Pa.) at www.pennlive.com

Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

I’m a Brit, my family is mostly from Cumbria and the Scottish Borders, and I like trains – I have visited the National Railway Museum in York on several occasions and I can name every locomotive used on the National Rail network. I also like anime and visual novels.

So the moment I heard about a visual novel called “A Beautiful Ride to Carlisle” my interest had already peaked. That’s the city my grandparents hail from, and its where I hope to live again in the future.

When I found out it was a cute yuri romance about two girls meeting on a train, I picked up my debit card and bought it instantly. That was a decision I have absolutely no regrets about.

The game starts by introducing us to Dana, who is on her way to volunteer on an organic farm that provides accommodation in return for work as a nice, cheap way to start her summer holidays. As Dana finds her reserved seat, she notices a beautiful girl named Sharon sitting directly opposite her, and they begin a long conversation that lasts the whole journey.

The dialogue between the two girls is beautifully written and there are several references to towns and cities that a British audience will be familiar with. It should also be noted that Sharon is blind, which means the game has disability representation. This also makes for a unique script that needs to take some creative approaches.

A Beautiful Ride To Carlisle Mac Os 7

The art is stunning and the music is relaxing. It runs in 1920x1080px HD and is a kinetic visual novel, meaning there are no branching paths or choices as in many other VNs. It is yuri, but its a very light and gentle romantic story – don’t expect any ecchi or H-scenes.

A Beautiful Ride To Carlisle Mac Os Download

It’s a very short story that can be finished in about half an hour, and it runs perfectly on Windows, Mac and Linux. It is available on Itch.io for $5.00 USD and I recommend it to anyone looking for a sweet but short visual novel.