FIK Mac OSA: Follow these steps to instal the MATLAB network client.To install a client of MATLAB, you will need the following items (obtained from Paul or Kengshi):
  • The File Installation Key (FIK)
  • The license.dat file appropriate for the geology license server.

Below are instructions for installing MATLAB on the Mac and Windows.

By default, the OS (Windows, Mac, Linux) should automatically set how to open '.ica' files when trying to launch any resource via Citrix Workspace or Citrix Storefront via the Web Store if the Citrix Workspace App is installed properly. Confirm Citrix Workspace App is installed or use Citrix Workspace App for HTML5 ('Web Browser' option) instead. IFix Mac Computers And Apple Parts, the pros shop, online store, we provide the best apple parts and apple service parts at the best prices online, always thinking on providing the best for our customer, we specialize on Apple Products as well on all of the Service Parts. IFix Mac Computers the number one on Genuine Apple Service Part.


To install a MATLAB client on Mac OS X

  1. Be sure X11 is installed on your system before installing MATLAB
  2. Drag the file from the DVD to your Desktop (about 5 minutes).
  3. Unzip by double-clicking it
  4. Open the new folder
  5. Start the installer,, choose the option to “Install without using the Internet” and click Next.
  6. Accept the terms of the license agreement, select Yes and click Next
  7. Select “I have the File Installation Key for my license” and enter in the FIK, click Next
  8. Select Typical
  9. Use the standard installation location [/Applications], click Continue
  10. When prompted enter the path or browse to the license file, click Next
  11. The installer will confirm your options and you can click Install to proceed.
  1. 👉DOWNLOAD LINK: Password: 1234🔥 UPDATED: 🔥🌟 How to install: 🌟 Download CSGO Hack Unzip the file to game folder Op.
  2. The File Installation Key (FIK) The license.dat file appropriate for the geology license server. Below are instructions for installing MATLAB on the Mac and Windows. To install a MATLAB client on Mac OS X.

To install a MATLAB client on Windows:

Fik Mac Os X

  1. Drag the network.lic license file, the 201xx File Installation Key.txt file, and the file from the DVD to your Desktop (about 5 minutes).
  2. Unzip by right-clicking it on your desktop and selecting Extract All…
  3. Save the new folder to your Desktop
  4. Open the new folder and double-click matlab_R201xx_win64_installer
  5. Allow the program matlab_R201xx_win64_installer to make changes to your computer
  6. A series of files will be unpacked and the installer will start
  7. Select the option to “Install manually without using the Internet” and click Next.
  8. Accept the License Agreement by selecting Yes and click Next.
  9. Choose “I have the File Installation Key for my license”, double-click the File Installation Key.txt file to open it in Notepad, select the 40-digit key and paste it into the File Installation Key field. Click Next. You can close the Notepad window.
  10. Choose Typical, click Next, confirm the installation folder and click Next.
  11. After Installing, chose the option to “Activate manually without using the Internet” and click Next.
  12. When prompted enter the path or browse to the license file that you dragged to your Desktop, and click Next.
  13. The installer will confirm your options and you can click Install to proceed.

Mac Os Catalina

See also…

Mac Os Mojave

  • How do I install a MATLAB client for a network license? on the MathWorks website.