Gr-O Mac OS

About the Dvorak layout

The Dvorak keyboard layout is an improved alternative to the widely-used QWERTYlayout. Compared to QWERTY, Dvorak has been designed to require less fingermovement and contortion when typing. QWERTY was made to deliberately hindertyping: by moving frequently used letter combinations away from one another ithelped prevent old mechanical typewriters from jamming in the hands of a fasttypist. As such, QWERTY should be considered obsolete and broken when it comesto typing on a computer. I type on a computer keyboard every day, and so Iwant to do it on a sensible keyboard layout. This is why I decided to makethe switch to the Dvorak keyboard layout in the late 1990’s. I think it wasa good decision.

I was a very fast typist with QWERTY, which I had been using for some 15 yearsbefore switching, and still my average typing speed increased after switchingto Dvorak while my top speed was mostly unchanged. However, it should beunderstood that comfort, not speed, is the main benefit of Dvorak for alreadyfast typists. Faster typing may follow from the greatly reduced finger movement,but I think too many QWERTY advocates get stuck on the idea that speed is themeasure of keyboard layout quality… Just because one can learn to contort one’sfingers in complex ways very fast does not mean that it’s a good practice.

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The Dvorak layout has been designed to enhance typing in English, but itworks well for other western languages. For example, all the vowels are onthe left side of the Dvorak keyboard, which means that adjacent charactersare often typed with alternating hands in most languages. In contrast,QWERTY has many examples of very long words and letter combinations thatare typed with one hand only (e.g., “stewardresses”, “databases”, and“monopoly”).

Switching to Dvorak

A regular keyboard can be used for typing Dvorak; it is just a matter ofswitching the layout in software. Most operating systems ship with the Dvoraklayout included and don’t require administrator privileges to switch layouts,so using Dvorak at work or school is not a problem.

If the keyboard layout is switched in software only, the symbols written onthe keys do not match those produced by the keypresses, but this isn’t reallyan issue and may in fact help teach you not to look at the keyboard whentyping. A printed-out picture of the Dvorak layout helps in the learning stage.On most keyboards it is also fairly simple to pop out the key caps and movethem around to match the Dvorak layout1.

1 National keyboards may not have the exact right key caps to matchthe special character placement of Dvorak. If you are buying a new keyboard andwant to match the Dvorak layout as closely as possible, get the keyboard in theInternational English layout.

In my experience it takes a couple of weeks of practice with Dvorak to reacha comfortable typing speed, and a few months to achieve high speed and re-learnkeyboard shortcuts2 into muscle memory. I think this one-time learning periodis a small price to pay compared to overall the amount of time spent usinga computer keyboard. Personally I find I can also still type on QWERTY wellenough to get by, but after using Dvorak it always feels uncomfortable (sinceQWERTYis uncomfortable; people just don’t know any better before they trya better layout).

2 Some people use Dvorak variants with QWERTY keyboard shortcuts(i.e., keys behave like their QWERTY equivalents when pressed together withCtrl or Command). To me this sounds like a bad idea since thenyou have to context switch your mind to a different layout for new shortcuts.

Of course Dvorak is not the only alternative keyboard layout, for example, theColemak layout has design goals similar to Dvorak but it tries to makeswitching easier by making less changes relative to QWERTY(e.g., the C and V keys remain in the same place for copy/paste).This may be an option to consider if the switch to Dvorak seems too daunting,but personally I don’t like the idea of QWERTY’s ghost haunting my keyboard.

I’ve even considered making a completely custom keyboard layout by doing softwareanalysis of the text I type, i.e., the keyboard would be optimal for mepersonally. Yet, in the end I think that the advantages of other layouts overDvorak would be fairly inconsequential compared to the advantages of pretty muchany reasonable layout over QWERTY.

My ArkkuDvorak layout

Two common characters required to type Finnish, ‘ä’ and ‘ö’, are not present inthe US/English Dvorak layout. Since there is no Finnish standard for Dvorak, Imade my own with the idea that I wanted it to be fully backward-compatible withregular Dvorak. My ArkkuDvorak3 layout accomplishes this by exploiting thefact that Finnish (and other international) keyboards have one more key than USkeyboards; this “extra” key becomes a combined ä/ö key.

3 I did not intend to name the layout after myself, but the originalfilename stuck after I shared the layout with others.

Gromacs Bd

The way ArkkuDvorak works is that the extra key, located to the right of theright Shift key, produces ‘ä’ when pressed normally but ‘ö’ whenpressed together with Shift. This sounds quite unorthodox at first,but it works very well in practice since the capital ‘Ä’ and especially ‘Ö’are seldom needed. The uppercase letters are still available via Alt Gr-aand Alt Gr-o, along with many other special symbols and dead keys underother Alt Gr combinations.

The major advantage of this solution over more conservative approaches is thatno keys are “consumed” by the additions. This keeps special characters readilyavailable for programming and command-line use. One can also type—my additionsexcluded—on the regular US/English Dvorak layout included by default in operatingsystems.

The trade-off is that the layout remains better optimized for Englishthan for Finnish, but for me that is a positive thing since I type moreEnglish, especially in the form of programming languages, than I do Finnish.

ArkkuDvorak with other languages

In addition to Finnish, my keyboard layout gives relatively easy access toall characters required for typing at least German, Italian, and Swedish.Spanish is pretty well covered, too, but the accents and ¿/¡ could bemore accessible. I also find that French is alright for infrequent use,but the various accents, especially the circumflex, are quite incovenientto reach. The same probably applies to Dutch and Portuguese. Norwegian andDanish are possible in theory but some characters, like ‘œ’ and ‘ø’, requireextensive acrobatics.

My recommendation for non-Finnish/Swedish users is that my layout be used asa starting point for building a new custom layout; after all, if you don’tneed the ä/ö key frequently, why squander the single extra key on it.

Making changes to the layout is very easy with most operating systems.The X11 and Linux layouts in particular are just simple text files thatcan be edited with plain text editor. The Mac OS X layout is technicallyalso plain text but its XML format has some hidden subtleties—never-the-lessit’s easy to change individual symbols just by searching and replacing.The Windows layouts can be edited with Microsoft’s freeKeyboard Layout Creator, and the classic Mac OS layouts withApple’s free ResEdit.

Download ArkkuDvorak

Gr-o Mac Os Download

Here you can download the keyboard layout for various operating systems andplatforms. I happen to use a lot of different computers and systems, and soI’ve taken it upon myself to port the layout to most of them. It should benoted, however, that these layouts have been created and infrequently updatedover more than a decade, and they are not all up to date with the latestoperating system changes nor do they all share the exact same Alt Grcombinations.

4 These layouts are provided as is with absolutely no warranty or guarantee. =)

The only thing “guaranteed”4 to work in every version of the layoutis the basic addition of ‘ä’ and ‘ö’. In practice there are many otheradditions hidden under Alt Gr and Shift + Alt Gr combinationsbut I keep changing my mind about what to put there. If you have your ownideas about that, please edit the layout to your liking!

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Anyhow, find the version for your operating system below and read theinstallation instructions underneath. Let me know if you run into difficulties.

The most common versions

For Apple Mac OS X


5 Under recent OS X versions the Library directory may behidden by default. To access it you can select Go to Folder fromFinder’s Go menu and type in ~/Library foryour personal library directory or /Library for the system-widedirectory.

Download and extract the .zip file and drag the keyboard layoutbundle into the directory5Library/Keyboard Layouts in eitheryour home directory or the system drive (to install for all users). You mayneed to create the Keyboard Layouts directory if it does notexist. Reboot or re-login to ensure the layout is detected by the system,and then go to System Preferences and you should be able tofind the layout under Language & Text in theInput Sources tab. Tick the box next to the ArkkuDvoraklayout. Also tick the box Show Input menu in menu bar at thebottom of the dialog. Your menu bar should now have an icon for switchingkeyboard layouts somewhere near the top right corner of the screen.

6 To view the contents of the bundle, hold down Ctrl and clickon the bundle in Finder. Then selectShow Package Contents.

Inside the bundle6 you can find an XML file atResources/ArkkuDvorak.keylayout. This file can be edited witha text editor to change the layout. On older OS X versions you can also tryinstalling this file by itself (without the bundle) if you have troublegetting the system to detect the layout.

If the computer is in shared use, you may wish to make sure you enableShow Input menu in login window under Login Options (foundunder System Preferences and Users & Groups onrecent OS X versions). With this enabled any user can switch the layout in thelogin window—very helpful for entering passwords.

For Microsoft Windows

I recommend trying the the Windows 7 version first no matter what version ofWindows you are using. If it doesn’t work, try one of the other versions. Sofar compatibility with Windows 8 is an unknown—I suspect the Windows 7 versionmight work since Microsoft has not updated the Keyboard LayoutCreator.


Extract the .zip file and run the installer found within. Includedin the most recent version you will also find theKeyboard Layout Creator document for editing the layout.If you have trouble installing the layout, I suggest you download theKeyboardLayout Creator and use it to rebuild the installer on your own system.

For X11 and Linux

X11 is the most common graphical windowing system used on *nixand UNIX systems such as Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, IRIX, etc.If you use Linux (e.g., Debian, Fedora, or Ubuntu) and don’t know which versionto get, download the first one… It’s almost certainly correct.

If you only get a bunch of text in your browser when you click the link,save that text as a plain text file; the layout is just plain text.

Note that on Mac OS X there is no need to install an X11 layout even if you useX11 on it—install the OS X version and it will work.


Run xmodmap followed by the layout file name to load the layout onthe fly in a running X11 session. I suggest typing setxkbmap fi intoanother terminal window in case the new layout doesn’t work; then you can switchback just by pressing Return in that terminal.

Once you have verified that the layout works correctly you will probably wantto have it loaded automatically in the future. The specifics on how to do thatdepends on how your system is set up. On many systems renaming the file.Xmodmap (leading dot included) inside your home directory causesit to be loaded when your X11 session starts. You can also place thexmodmap command in your session startup scripts; refer to thesystem documentation (or help forum) on how to do this.


The X11 layout files are just simple text files that can be edited with anyplain text editor. If you get errors due to invalid symbol names, simply deletethe symbol names causing complaints from the file and re-try. Not all X11implementations support nearly all of the symbols in those layouts; especiallythe SGI version needs to be stripped down quite a bit to work on IRIX. For thevast majority of PC Linux systems the first version should work as is, though.

Another common problem is that some of the keycode numbers have changed overtime due to X11 changes. If a key stops working or produces an incorrect symbol,run the command xev in a terminal and press the problematic key.Look for keycode in the output and make note of the followingnumber. Then edit the layout file and replace the number at the beginningof the line with the definition for the problematic key with the one you got fromxev.

One key known to have changed its keycode over time is Alt Gr. I’veincluded several possible definitions at the end of the PC version of thelayout file, but they are all commented out (i.e., disabled) by default. Ifyour Alt Gr doesn’t work, edit the file and see near the end forinstructions (the lines beginning with ! are disabled; remove theexclamation mark to enable them).

For the Linux console

These versions of the ArkkuDvorak layout are intended only for theclassic, text-only, Linux console. If your Linux has things like windowsand graphics or such, you will almost certainly want the X11 version aboveinstead of this!


Run loadkeys —unicode followed by the filename. If you havetrouble, try dropping the —unicode argument and switching to thelatin version of the layout. Once the layout works you can put this commandinto a login or system startup script.

For Classic Mac OS

The first version should work on all classic Mac OS versions from System 6 onward.The one specifically for Mac OS 9 should be used if you have trouble withrecent systems; I have one PowerMac G4 system where the layout version forolder Mac OS versions incorrectly places the ä/ö key below Esc.If that happens to you, try the “Mac OS 9” version instead (or edit the layoutwith ResEdit).


First extract the MacBin file (e.g., with StuffIt Expander). OnSystem 7, or Mac OS 8 or 9, drag the extracted file onto your closedSystem Folder. You should then be able to select the ArkkuDvoraklayout in the Keyboard control panel.

Gr-O Mac OS

On truly classic Macintosh systems, i.e., System 6 or earlier, installingcustom layouts is a bit complicated and you need to edit yourSystem file with ResEdit. Download and extract thelayout and follow these steps:

  1. Create a copy of your System file
  2. Extract the layout file and open it with ResEdit
  3. Double-click the KCHR resource type
  4. Copy the ArkkuDvorak resource within
    (i.e., select it and press Command-C)
  5. Open the copy you made of your System file
  6. Find the KCHR resource inside, double-click it
  7. Paste the layout by pressing Command-V
  8. Save the file and quit ResEdit
  9. Replace the original System file with the edited copy
  10. Restart the computer
  11. Open Control Panel from the Apple menu, select Keyboard
  12. Select ArkkuDvorak

Finnish Summary

ArkkuDvorak on suomalainen näppäinasettelu, joka säilyttää täydenyhteensopivuuden englanninkielisen Dvorak-asettelun kanssa lisäämällä suomenkirjoittamiseen tarvittavat ä- ja ö-kirjaimet yhden näppäimen taakse. Koskasuomalaisissa näppäimistöissä sattuu olemaan yksi näppäin enemmän kuinamerikkalaisissa, tämä muutos ei vaikuta englanninkielisen Dvorakinnäppäinasetteluun millään tavoin.

Yleisesti käytössä oleva QWERTY-näppäimistö on suunniteltu hidastamaankirjoittamista jotta ikivanhat mekaaniset kirjoituskoneet eivät menisi solmuunliian nopean kirjoittajan käsissä. Sen sijaan Dvorak on suunniteltu vähentämäänsormien vääntelyä ja niiden kulkemaa matkaa näppäimistöllä, mikä tekee siitähuomattavasti QWERTY:ä miellyttävämmän käyttää. Itse kirjoitan tietokoneennäppäimistöllä päivittäin mutta ikivanhalla mekaanisella kirjoituskoneella enkoskaan – siksi vaihdoin Dvorakiin. Vaihtaisit sinäkin.