Green Is Better Than Purple Mac OS

There's too much in the way of legacy software — and when it comes to functionality, Mac OS X Sierra beats Windows 10. But for the first time in two decades, I'm giving it some serious thought. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources.Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Screens of death.

Con (against)
Pro (for)
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Voting Style:OpenPoint System:7 Point
Updated:10 years agoStatus:Voting Period
Viewed:5,967 timesDebate No:12761
Comments (11)


RESOLUTION: Green is a 'better' color than purple (Pro gives opening argument)
Opening Statement(s): I shall let Pro begin the arguement. Good luck.
(P.S. Please post a reasonable arguement.)


Better: More useful, suitable, or desirable[1]
1. Health
The color green has a calming effect. For this reason, hospitals paint their walls light green to calm patients.[2] Additionally, greenery in hospitals also has a calming effect.[3] This is important as the hospital is full of many stressors and stressful people.[4] Stress in the hospital environment has empirically been shown to lead to job dissatisfaction among nurses and, as a result, absenteeism.[5] Nurse absenteeism creates a vicious cycle: an increase in nurse absences increases the nurses' work load further increasing absenteeism which further increases the workload and so on. The result is reduced patient care.[6] Also, simply the presence of greenery has been shown to directly contribute to increased health by reducing cough and fatigue among other things.[3]
2. Productivity
People are empirically more productive when they work in the presence of green plants.[3] We're only barely recovering from a recession, and as a result a lack of worker productivity increases cost-cutting to make ends meet and halts economic recovery.[7]
3. Environment
Photosynthesis in most plants requires that plants absorb red and blue light, meaning they will reflect green light.[8] A purple plant thus wouldn't be able to survive since it would reflect the essential red and blue light. The majority of the world's oxygen is produced by green, photosynthesizing algae.[9] Therefore, the world as we know it wouldn't even be sustainable without green.
[1] The Free Dictionary.
[2] Precision Intermedia.
[3] Green over Grey.
[4] Today's Hospitalist Magazine.
[5] Health Services Research.
[6] National Institutes of Health.
[7] Bloomberg News.
[8] National Science Teachers Association.
[9] See the Sea.
Finally, CON hasn't provided any sort of context to the topic. There aren't any arguments to indicate what he intends to debate or any definitions or explanation of any kind. With that in mind, I'll assume all of my arguments are a valid and 'reasonable' defense of the topic.


Thank you, Nails, for this debate. I have been wanting you to debate me for quite some time now. Without any further ado or wasted characters, let us begin, shall we?
Opening Statements/Observation(s):
1. I accept that this is a 'reasonable' debate with acceptable agruements.
1. My opponent states that walls in hospitals are painted green to calm patients. However, my opponent neglected to mention that the most commonly colored painted walls are white, green, and blue, for their relaxing effect on hospitalized patients. This may seem to have nothing to do with my case, but in common knowledge, we know that all colors are found in white, including purple. The color white is often associated with hospitals to show cleanliness (which minimized perpetuate, additional infections), to reflect debilitating heat, and to brighten a room, which can have more of a soothing effect on patients than just green, which leads to an even quicker recovery for patience. (I do realize the color green is in white, too.) Thusly, using white can assume the same principals my opponent mentioned in his first contention to an even greater measure, putting green in the shadow of white, if you would like a play on words.
2. My opponent states greenery inproves health. However, soil has been known to host and introduce countless viruses and bacteral toxins that reduce the demand for a clean hospital. Furthermore, exotic plants can make certain people have. Some cause skin irritations, a partially blocked airways, and, in some cases, even death.
3. My opponent states that people are more productive when working in the presence of green plants, but I wonder if he cosiders how much time and money it takes to take care of them? If you were to have multiple plants in your officespace (which some employers frown upon or disallow), then you would have to take each plant to a place that you could allow to change the soil. Then, you'd have to take it back, water it, check the pH levels in it frequently, ensure it gets enough natural sunlight- green plants detract from working more than they allow the benefiet of being 'more productive' in a work space.
4. My opponent states that a purple plant wouldn't be able to absorb purple light. This is not true. All colors are absorbed and used my chloroplasts for photosynthesis to make sugars EXCEPT green, eliminating the practicality and usefulness of quite possibly the most vital process in the world that gives us our very breath of life. The color green is eminated from plants because that color is not used and absorbed for photosynthesis because of it's uselessness. My opponent, seemingly, think that plants that are purple can't survive, e.g. violets. However, the petals may be purple, but the leaves are what absorb the most light, which are green because of the reason stated above.
=Rebutal Conclusion=
I have rebutted all arguements successfully. With the last arguement, I have disproved my opponents statement we can't live in a world without green. According to plants (which is a huge part of my oponents arguement), we CAN live in a world without green.
1. Purple is associated with sophistication, respect, wisdom, and royalty. It can also give an air of mystery. Many women's favorite color is purple.
2. Violet has shown to alleviate conditions such as sunburn due to its purifying and antiseptic effect. This color also suppresses hunger and balances the body's metabolism. Indigo, a lighter purple, has been used by doctors in Texas as an anesthesia in minor operations because its narcotic <'A soothing or numbing agent.'>qualities.
3. Psychological Effect: Purples have been used in the care of mental of nervous disorders because they have shown to help balance the mind and transform obsessions and fears. Indigo is often associated with the right side of the brain; stimulating intuition and imagination. Violet is associated with bringing peace and combating shock and fear. Violet has a cleansing effect with emotional disturbances. Also, this color is related to sensitivity to beauty, high ideals and stimulates creativity, spirituality and compassion. Psychic power and protection has also been associated with violet.
4. Purple has also been proven to stimulate cognitive problem-solving in the brain.
5. There is an 'institutional' side to green, associated with illness or Government-issued that conjure up negative emotions as do the 'slimy' or bilious greens. I would like to point out here that not ALL greens are associated or indictive of the postive effects my opponent has. Some conjure image of illness or sicklyness, hence 'sickly green' (a color). Sometimes it can also describe someone who is inexperienced, jealous, or sick, or 'green around the gills'. Culturally, green has broad and sometimes contradictory meanings. In some cultures, green symbolizes hope and growth, while in others, it is associated with death, sickness, envy, or the devil.
I have proven green to be impractical, contradictory, and (as far as greeney goes) deadly. More importantly, I have proven why purple is better than green and that, unlike what my opponent said, we CAN live in a world without green.
5. (


Nails forfeited this round.


It is unfortunate my opponent, Nails, has forfieted the previous round. Seeing as this is the conclusive round in which we both summarize our debate, I believe I have won due to contentions neglected and the round forfieted.
The best of luck, Nails.


Nails forfeited this round.
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Green Is Better Than Purple Mac Os 11

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Green Is Better Than Purple Mac Os Catalina

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