Mad Snowboarding (itch) Mac OS
Mac OS X (10.12 and later) IMPORTANT NOTE: On OS X 10.14 (Mojave), you may need to install the development header files. These ship as a standard part of Mojave, but must be installed by hand. To do so, run the command. Mad Pugs is a game where you shoot a pug to destroy a fortress. Sounds familiar? If so then that's probably because Mad Pugs is a lot like Angry Birds. There are of course some differences though. In Mad Pugs you shoot pugs to destroy a fortress. Mad Snowboarding - a crazy open world snowboard game. Reach the finish and make as many tricks as possible on your way down the mountain. Choose your individual path to the finish through the snowy mountain landscapes of the game. Mad Snowboarding has a built-in level editor, which allows you to create own levels and share them with the community. ITCH 1.5 is a recommended maintenance update for all ITCH users, it contains support for all current ITCH hardware, all current Mac and Windows OS, and many bug fixes. ITCH 1.5 also supports Apple Lossless audio file playback, and there are new shift functions for Numark NS7 and Numark V7 users.
OnyX is a multifunction utility that you can use to verify the structure of the system files, to run miscellaneous maintenance and cleaning tasks, to configure parameters in the Finder, Dock, Safari, and some Apple applications, to delete caches, to remove certain problematic folders and files, to rebuild various databases and indexes, and more.
OnyX is a reliable application which provides a clean interface to many tasks that would otherwise require complex commands to be typed using a command-line interface.
There is a specific version of OnyX for each major version of the operating system.
Use the correct version, and don't try to use a version intended for an earlier operating system.
OnyX 3.9.6 for macOS Big Sur 11
Requirements: Intel-based Mac or Apple M1-based Mac using macOS Big Sur 11.1 or later.
OnyX 3.8.7 for macOS Catalina 10.15
Requirements: Intel-based Mac using macOS Catalina 10.15.
OnyX 3.6.8 for macOS Mojave 10.14
Requirements: Intel-based Mac using macOS Mojave 10.14.
OnyX 3.4.9 for macOS High Sierra 10.13
Requirements: Intel-based Mac using macOS High Sierra 10.13.
OnyX 3.3.1 for macOS Sierra 10.12
Requirements: Intel-based Mac using macOS Sierra 10.12.
OnyX 3.1.9 for OS X El Capitan 10.11
Requirements: Intel-based Mac using OS X El Capitan 10.11.
OnyX 3.0.2 for OS X Yosemite 10.10
Requirements: Intel-based Mac using OS X Yosemite 10.10.
OnyX 2.8.9 for OS X Mavericks 10.9
Requirements: Intel-based Mac using OS X Mavericks 10.9.
OnyX 2.7.4 for OS X Mountain Lion 10.8
Requirements: Intel-based Mac using OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.
OnyX 2.4.8 for OS X Lion 10.7
Requirements: Intel-based Mac using OS X Lion 10.7.
Mad Snowboarding (itch) Mac Os Catalina
OnyX 2.4.0 for Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6
Requirements: Intel-based Mac using Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.
OnyX 2.0.6 for Mac OS X Leopard 10.5
Requirements: PowerPC-based Mac or Intel-based Mac using Mac OS X Leopard 10.5. OnyX only runs from an administrator account.
OnyX 1.8.6 for Mac OS X Tiger 10.4
Mad Snowboarding (itch) Mac Os 11
Requirements: PowerPC-based Mac or Intel-based Mac using Mac OS X Tiger 10.4. OnyX only runs from an administrator account.
OnyX 1.5.3 for Mac OS X Panther 10.3
Requirements: PowerPC-based Mac using Mac OS X Panther 10.3 with BSD subsystem. OnyX only runs from an administrator account.

OnyX 1.3.1 for Mac OS X Jaguar 10.2
Requirements: PowerPC-based Mac using Mac OS X Jaguar 10.2 with BSD subsystem. OnyX only runs from an administrator account.