Mud (itch) Mac OS


Installing Mu on macOS is super easy.

Mu will run on any machine running macOS version 10.13 High Sierra or later. There is advice on Apple’s website on how to check your macOS version.

Mochi Madness is a 2-player PVP game where you play as skewer-wielding mochis competing to build a dango stick! Race to be the first to get three dangos amidst a flurry of desserts that can either aid or hinder you in your goal. Poke around and throw to your heart's delight in. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols.

The following (silent) video demonstrates this process on Mac OS Catalina:

  1. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.
  2. Find games for macOS like Friday Night Funkin', Cold Shot, Dying of Thirst, Wrong Floor, Tidetale on, the indie game hosting marketplace.

Step 1 - Download Mu Installer

  • Download the installer for macOS.

Step 2 - Open the Installer

  • Open your Downloads folder - click “Go”, then “Downloads” on the Finder menu.
Mac os versions

  • Double click the Mu installer disk image (a .dmg file).

When you open the installer you’ll be asked to accept the software licenseagreement and then your computer will verify the package is not corrupted (thismay take a couple of minutes).

Step 3 - Install Mu

  • Click, hold and drag the “Mu” icon into the “Applications” folder.

Step 4 - Installing

Mu will install into the Applications folder on your Mac.

Step 5 - Start Mu

  • Open your Applications folder - click “Go”, “Applications” on the Finder menu.

Press the CTRL button and click on the Mu icon. You’ll see a dialog to checkyou want to open Mu. Click “Open”:

This can take some time as OSX checks the Mu package, but you’ll only ever have to do it once.

Updates to the way OSX works means that when you open Mu for the first time you need to tell your operating system that you trust the application. The simple solution is to CTRL-click the Mu application in your 'Applications' folder and then select 'Open'. If you don't you'll just see a warning pop-up (shown in the video at the top of this page).

Mud (itch) Mac Os Download

If you're running Catalina then you might have to give the app permission to access USB mounted devices. To do that:

Mud (itch) Mac Os X

  • Launch System Preferences.
  • Select 'Security & Privacy'.
  • Select the 'Privacy' tab at the top.
  • In the left column select 'Full Disk Access'.
  • Then, on the right side, click the box next to mu-editor to give it permission.
  • If those options are grayed out, you need to select the padlock in the lower left of the dialog box and enter you system password before you can chance the settings.
  • Next time you launch Mu you will be able to just double click the Mu icon.
Rapscallion is a highly advanced MUD client, designed to suit all styles of MUD, and all styles of mudding.

It is currently the Mac client of choice on many MUDs, MOOs, MUSHes, MUVEs, chat servers and others, and some of its more unusual features make it ideal for other uses, such as the Internet Relay Chat (IRC).

Hsoi 27 March 2005 - Andy Lewis sent me an email today saying that he has posted the source code to Rapscallion on the Rapscallion web site. So, have at it. :-)

Hsoi 13 December 2003 - It appears that Andy is alive and well, but Rapscallion is not. Like so many things in life well... life got in the way of Rapscallion's development. Since he's no longer able to develop it, he has opted to make Rapscallion free by posting a serial number to his web site along with the 2.0.2 installer. He also has a half-Carbonized version posted on his site, and at least as of this writing has also promised to post the source code for Rap to his site so that perhaps someone out there could pick up and continue development (source isn't posted yet, I don't know when it will be, just keep checking the Rapscallion web site).